Catalog / Typeface


Berkeley Mono™ Indie
Typeface SKU TX-02Berkeley Mono™
Standard Specimen TX-02 Standard Specimen
Stock SKU FX-200
Status Discontinued
Stock Class Typeface
License Tier Indie
Commercial Use Yes
Font Version 2.002
Latest Release 2024-12-31
Change log Release Notes →

Order Slip


Add-On Modules and Services

ModuleMX-003 Standard Fonts

Status Available
Stock Class Module
Price No charge, incl. with the parent stock.
Typeface Family TX-02Berkeley Mono™
Collection CL-002 Standard
Typefaces Berkeley Mono™ Regular
Description Standard Fonts include the original "Masters" styles, designed during the early development stages of Berkeley Mono™. All other styles in the typeface family are based on these masters. These include Regular, Oblique, Bold and Bold Oblique fonts. 1 widths x 2 weights x 2 slants = A total 4 font styles. Please refer to the tabulated styles for the complete list.
Font "Masters" and points on axes
Widths (wdth axis) Width icon 100 Normal
Weights (wght axis) Weight icon 400 Regular
Weight icon 700 Bold
Slants (slnt axis) Slant icon 0 Regular
Slant icon -16 Oblique

ModuleMX-008 Master Fonts

Status Available
Stock Class Module
Price $145.00
Typeface Family TX-02Berkeley Mono™
Collection CL-003 Master Collection
Typefaces Berkeley Mono™ Regular
Berkeley Mono™ SemiCondensed
Berkeley Mono™ Condensed
Berkeley Mono™ ExtraCondensed
Berkeley Mono™ UltraCondensed
Description Master Fonts module contains all "Masters" (a typeface engineering term used to describe points in the typeface domainspace spanning width, weight and slant axes, that have been hand tuned by the designer). 5 widths x 10 weights x 2 slants = 100 font styles. Please refer to the tabulated styles for the complete list. Master Fonts is a superset of Standard Fonts module—i.e, it includes all styles in the Standard Fonts module.
Exceptions There are 2 additional specialized weights that are not included in Master Fonts (Retina + Book) which are slight interpolations around the "Normal Master" weight. Retina and Book weights require SuperType™ compiler for interpolation.
Font "Masters" and points on axes
Widths (wdth axis) Width icon 100 Normal
Width icon 90 SemiCondensed
Width icon 80 Condensed
Width icon 70 ExtraCondensed
Width icon 60 UltraCondensed
Weights (wght axis) Weight icon 100 Thin
Weight icon 200 ExtraLight
Weight icon 300 Light
Weight icon 350 SemiLight
Weight icon 400 Regular
Weight icon 500 Medium
Weight icon 600 SemiBold
Weight icon 700 Bold
Weight icon 800 ExtraBold
Weight icon 900 Black
Slants (slnt axis) Slant icon 0 Regular
Slant icon -16 Oblique

ModuleMX-013 Web Fonts

Status Available
Stock Class Module
Price $145.00
Typeface Family TX-02Berkeley Mono™
Description Web Fonts are specially compressed font files optimized for websites. This web fonts module includes license for hosting webfonts on your own server, with no limitations on page views, unique visitors, multiple domains, etc.
Conditions Web Fonts axes designspace, variable fonts, and available styles, etc. depends on whether Master Fonts, Variable Fonts, etc modules are provisioned.
// CSS Declaration
// Static Fonts (for each style)
@font-face {
    font-family: 'TX-02';
    src: url('TX-02.woff2') format('woff2');
    font-stretch: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

// Variable Fonts + Ligatures
@font-face {
    font-family: 'TX-02';
    src: url('TX-02.woff2') format('woff2');
    font-stretch: 60 100;
    font-weight: 100 900;
    font-style: oblique -16deg 0deg;
    font-feature-settings: calt;
    font-variant-ligatures: contextual;

ModuleMX-017 Ligatures

Status Available
Stock Class Module
Price No charge, incl. with the parent stock.
Description The Ligatures module features over 160 ligatures for a myriad of programming languages out there. Please use our Ligature explorer to evaluate your specific usecase.
Evaluate Ligatures Explorer →

ModuleMX-031 Variable Fonts

Status Available
Stock Class Module
Price $75.00
Typeface Family TX-02Berkeley Mono™
Description Variable fonts are a reletively new format and while it still growing in terms of desktop application adoption, variable fonts are widely used as webfonts as they are space efficient. They allow continuous adjustment of width, weight and slant axes of our typefaces. Please refer to the tabulated axes (wdth, wght, and slnt) of the Berkeley Mono™ typeface.
Conditions Variable axes range adjusts to the outerbounds of available masters. To access full range of the axes, for e.g. Thin to Black weights, Master Fonts module is required.
Font Width (Variable)
Masters Variable font icon60 UltraCondensed
Variable font icon70 ExtraCondensed
Variable font icon80 Condensed
Variable font icon90 SemiCondensed
Variable font icon100 Normal
Variable Axis wdth
Axis Range 60 to 100
Design Range 45 to 60
Font Weight (Variable)
Masters Variable font icon100 Thin
Variable font icon200 ExtraLight
Variable font icon300 Light
Variable font icon350 SemiLight
Variable font icon400 Regular
Variable font icon500 Medium
Variable font icon600 SemiBold
Variable font icon700 Bold
Variable font icon800 ExtraBold
Variable font icon900 Black
Variable Axis wght
Axis Range 100 to 900
Design Range 40 to 160
Font Slant (Variable)
Masters Variable font icon0 Regular
Variable font icon-16 Oblique
Variable Axis slnt
Axis Range -16 to 0
Design Range -16 to 0

ServiceTS-024 Standard Compiler

Status Available
Stock Class Service
Service Tier Standard
Price No charge, incl. with the parent stock.
Description Standard Compiler is included with all font packges. It is sufficient for compiling our fonts with basic options—customize the font subfamily and select font styles, font formats, and glyph alternatives, enable ligatures (with Ligatures Module) and compile woff2 fonts for Web use (with Webfonts Module).
Conditions The behavior of standard compiler depends on Standard/Master Font modules. Axes will expand automatically if you also have Master Fonts module.
Standard Compiler
Standard Compiler Screenshot

ServiceTS-026 SuperType™ Compiler

SuperType™ Compiler
Status Available
Stock Class Service
Service Tier Supertype
Price $95.00
Description SuperType™ compiler is an add-on module for complete customization of our fonts. With custom styles, you can create unique font families (using custom names) to use side-by-side depending on the use case. Custom tracking/spacing is useful for tailoring fonts for code or text use.
Conditions The behavior of SuperType™ compiler depends on Standard/Master Font modules. Axes will expand automatically if you also have Master Fonts module.
Standard Compiler
SuperType™ Compiler Screenshot

SuperType™ Compiler Feature Matrix

Comparison between Standard vs. SuperType™ compiler. Please note, that the behavior of compilers depend on the add-on modules. Typically, tracking is larger for coding fonts vs. text. If Berkeley Mono™ is used for text settings, please try adjusting tracking to be a slightly tigher than the default. We are researching possibilities for line height adjustments and variable font metrics (custom design coordinates and maps). A new SemiOblique style is coming soon!

Feature Standard SuperType™
Select Font Format Yes Yes
Custom Font Family Yes Yes
Glyph Alternatives Partial All
Retina Weight Yes
Book Weight Yes
Glyph Spacing Yes
Custom widths Yes
Custom weights Yes
Custom slants Yes
Ligatures Subsetting Coming soon
Custom Font Name Yes
Custom Line Height Investigating
Variable Designspace Investigating
Arbitrary glyph swaps Coming soon
SemiOblique Slant Coming soon

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